Harnessing Adversity:
The Founder’s AQ Journey

Assessments, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment

Your Antifragile Quotient (AQ) gauges your ability to thrive amidst adversity. In times of stress or confusion, instead of seeking temporary escapes, AQ empowers you to harness challenges as they intensify.

The Path to Potential: Embracing Your AQ

Everyone has untapped potential. The AQ Assessment, grounded in the psychological sciences, reveals this through the 7 Elements of Antifragility. These principles based on age-old wisdom align with the challenges founders encounter.


However, the assessment is just the starting point. Guided by our AQ Coaches, it marks the beginning of a journey. Together, we actively embrace and live out these elements, unlocking our true potential to become antifragile in an ever-changing world.

Assessments, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment

Discover Your AQ

individual aq


team & organizational aq


What Can AQ Do for You?

Boosting your AQ goes beyond just "bouncing back." It refines — and redefines — your perspective, enhancing your innate strength amid adversity. Grounded in science and reflecting timeless truths — pillars of civilizations and guides for billions — AQ empowers you to navigate and take charge in turbulent times utilizing the 7 Elements of Antifragility.

THE ACTUALIZED Element of Antifragility

The Actualized Element of Responsibility paves the way to Antifragility. By mastering it, you gain the freedom to truly become Antifragile.

AQ Element of Responsibility

Possessing the capacity to respond to the situation at hand.

THE PRACTICE Elements of Antifragility

The Practice Elements of Courage, Forgiveness, and Gratitude fuel Antifragility. Together they offer the confidence, direction, and balance to become Antifragile.

The AQ Element of Courage

Facing the unknown with determination, even amidst uncertainty.



The AQ Element of Forgiveness

Releasing and moving past painful experiences we’ve endured.



The AQ Element of Gratitude

Embracing life with profound appreciation, celebrating both its joys and the challenges that fortify us.


THE Foundational Elements of Antifragility

The pillars of Clarity, Connection, and Purpose form the bedrock of Antifragility. Collectively, they offer stability, collaboration, and guidance on becoming Antifragile.

The AQ Element of Clarity

Clearing mental and emotional obstacles, allowing us to see clearly and welcome diverse perspectives, ensuring an undistorted view of the present.


The AQ Element of Purpose

Establishing a central guiding principle for our lives and ensuring all actions resonate with this primary goal.



AQ Element of Connection

Understanding our intrinsic need for community, affinity with nature, and achieving harmony within ourselves and with others.


frequently asked questions

What is Antifragile Quotient?

The AQ Assessment is derived from time-tested open-source tools that have decoded human tendencies for over 80 years. In just five minutes, it gauges your proficiency in the 7 Elements of Antifragility: Clarity, Purpose, Connection, Courage, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Responsibility. These elements, rooted in both science and the core teachings of the world’s major faith traditions, represent universal human truths. For best results, verify your assessment with trusted peers and a Certified AQ Coach, and wholeheartedly embrace its insights on your path to greater antifragility.

Is the AQ Assessment available for organizations?

Absolutely! To inquire about bringing AQ Assessment to your organization or team, click here.

How can companies be fragile or Antifragile?

An organization reflects its people — team members and leaders alike. While all exhibit a mix of fragile and antifragile behaviors, leaders’ actions resonate more profoundly. Many often overlook their fragile tendencies until the repercussions become unavoidable. This oversight can result in two concerning patterns:

  • Fragility seeps into the organization’s culture. When leaders showcase fragile behaviors, it often trickles down, influencing the team. Some organizations might even inadvertently favor fragility during hiring based on leadership biases.

  • Flawed decision-making processes. Fragility arises from the gap between our expectations and reality, magnified within organizations. Leaders might make short-term decisions at the cost of long-term benefits due to external pressures.

In contrast, antifragile leaders are introspective, thriving in adversity. Instead of fixating on uncontrollable factors, they foster flexible cultures that strengthen through challenges.

Antifragile Quotient sounds like a political message - is it?

One common question we encounter revolves around the political undertones of antifragility. Some wonder if we’re subtly advocating for a particular political agenda. To clarify, AQ isn’t a veiled political statement. Some from the left speculate it’s critiquing them for being “soft,” while some from the right sense a push for a “woke” agenda. In truth, it’s neither.

Antifragility is a message for everyone. The central idea? Our communities, leaders, and organizations are becoming more fragile. It’s about rediscovering our inherent capacity to thrive amidst challenges and uncertainties, irrespective of political leanings.

Why not say “resilient” since Antifragile sounds so negative?

Another common question we encounter is, “Why ‘Anti’ in Antifragile?” To be fair, the prefix might seem negative to some. Our rationale? It’s about emphasizing a move away from fragility.


As highlighted by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book Antifragile, resilience isn’t the direct opposite of fragility, just as neutral isn’t the opposite of negative. Resilience means enduring shocks without change. Antifragility, on the other hand, means growing and benefiting from change. In a world marked by increasing unpredictability, being antifragile better equips us to navigate and thrive amidst life’s complexities.

Is AQ unsympathetic to individuals experiencing pain, grief, and loss?

This question, though not our most common, is vital. The simple answer is: No! To be human is to have moments of fragility.


Modern society has shifted toward seeking comfort, yet suffering remains an inherent part of life. Fragility emerges from the disparity between our expectations and reality. Feeling pain doesn’t signify fragility; it’s a part of being human. Often, the most antifragile individuals have faced significant hardships and grown stronger.

Is Antifragility lacking in empathy and compassion?

Antifragility, or “AQ,” doesn’t dismiss pain or suffering. Unlike mere resilience, which might bypass stressors without growth, antifragility acknowledges life’s challenges. It champions healthy processing of pain, enabling us to eventually thrive from such experiences.


AQ aims to help everyone harness their inherent ability to strengthen through adversity. True empathy and compassion often stem from personal suffering, making them intrinsic to being Antifragile.