Grow from adversity

Who We Serve – Coaches Consultants, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment

Your clients’ Antifragile Quotient or “AQ”, now determines if they thrive—or if they don’t. They feel it when they’re struggling in every aspect of life and down deep, they don’t think they’re the ones that really need to change. AQ remedies this by helping them see and interact through a new lens to rediscover their innate ability to grow stronger from adversity because the waves of change, and the adversity they create, are coming faster and getting bigger.

why you need aq

“The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb, New York Times best-selling author of Antifragile

help your client thrive

iq and eq can no longer predict your client's success

Who We Serve – Coaches Consultants, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment

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