Open Mind, Open Doors: Leading with Clarity

Open Mind, Open Doors: Leading with Clarity, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment

Ever feel like you’re leading in a constant fog? Decisions ripple outwards, the weight of expectations heavy on your shoulders, but somehow, results fall short. The culprit? Tunnel vision.


Like a leader fixated on the details of building a single brick, you might miss the bigger picture: a crumbling foundation needs attention first. This tunnel vision, often rooted in past successes and ingrained expertise, creates blind spots and missed opportunities.


To solve this, shift your focus from “how” to “who.”


Instead of diving headfirst into solving every problem yourself, step back and ask: who among your team has the skills and talent to excel in this area?


Remember, your role is to build and empower, not just do. Trusting your team, delegating effectively, and tapping into their diverse perspectives unlocks true leadership potential.

For example, consider an executive, a control enthusiast, got bogged down in the “how” of every project. By adopting “Think WHO, not HOW” as his mantra, he learned to identify and empower team members best suited for each task. The result? A flourishing, capable team and a leader freed to tackle broader strategic challenges.


Leading isn’t a solo expedition. It’s about orchestrating a symphony of talent. Ditch the tunnel vision, Think WHO, not HOW, and empower your team to lead the way. Your impact will multiply tenfold.


This simple shift requires practice. Start by identifying one task you tend to micromanage. Ask yourself: who on my team could excel here? Delegate, offer support, and watch your leadership journey evolve.


By adopting this “Think WHO, not HOW” approach, you unlock not just project success, but a more collaborative, engaged, and empowered team. That’s a leadership legacy worth building.

Detaching from the Comfort Zone of Knowing

The first step for overcoming bias is recognizing that everyone, you included, carries inherent biases. These biases shape how we see the world, and sometimes, they can lead us astray. This isn’t about blame; it’s about becoming aware of these ingrained filters so you can navigate around them.


Remember, true wisdom lies not just in experience but in acknowledging its limitations. As the sage Lao Tzu reminds us, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is wisdom.” Cultivating self-awareness to recognize when you’re cherry-picking information or dismissing dissenting voices. This allows you to actively seek out diverse perspectives, enriching your own with the tapestry of different experiences.

Embracing Discomfort for Growth

Opening yourself to different viewpoints can be initially uncomfortable. Counterintuitively, this is a good sign. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with the situation and what you’re hearing, then you know you’re in the right place. Remember, true growth often lies outside our comfort zones. You already know that choosing your path empowers you to shape your future. By choosing the path of openness, even if it means facing discomfort, will provide layers of future rewards.


Imagine a CEO, once prone to knee-jerk decisions, now actively engaging with employees from various backgrounds and experiences before making critical choices. This leader embodies openness in action, harnessing the collective wisdom of their team to navigate complex challenges. The result? Clarity of perspective resulting in more informed decisions, a more inclusive workforce, and a company positioned for sustainable success.

Success Stories Forged in Openness

History is full of leaders who transcended their own limitations to find the clarity required to achieve remarkable feats. Howard Schultz, Founder and CEO of Starbucks, initially focused solely on selling coffee. However, a trip to Italy offered him clarity on the potential of creating a third-place community within his cafes. This clarity, beyond just selling coffee, transformed Starbucks into a cultural phenomenon, impacting the way people interact and work. Another example is Mary Barra, who became CEO of General Motors after the 2008 recession. Barra could have simply followed the old, tried and true playbook. Instead, she embraced clarity, open to critics and stakeholders. From this, Barra discovered the opportunities for innovation and electric vehicles, which is how she navigated GM out of crisis and towards a sustainable future.



These leaders, though facing vastly different challenges, shared a common thread: the clarity to see beyond their own limitations, using openness to improve performance.

Crafting Clarity

The clarity journey is a continuous one, a lifelong commitment to being open and growing. But, once you start to benefit from clarity, you won’t be able to go back.  Start with the power of openness, explore diverse perspectives, and unlock your next-level leadership potential. You don’t have to journey alone. Take the first step by taking the Antifragile Quotient Assessment, a tool designed to help you define the unique journey you need to begin to benefit from open leadership.


Remember, the world needs leaders who can see beyond their own limited perspective and who can navigate the complexities of our times with curiosity and empathy. Be clearly, openly that leader.

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Open Mind, Open Doors: Leading with Clarity, Antifragile Quotient | AQ Assessment